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Chapter 4 Food Ethics

DOI: 10.23912/978-1-908999-03-0-2345

ISBN: 978-1-908999-03-0

Published: September 2013

Component type: chapter

Published in: Food and Drink: the cultural context

Parent DOI: 10.23912/978-1-908999-03-0-2005



Food is often described as one of life’s simple pleasures. But scratch the surface and it becomes clear that food is far from simple and that the production, preparation, processing and service of food is far from pleasurable for many thousands of people globally. It is because of the intrinsic relationship between people and food that consideration of food ethics is so critical. Ethical dilemmas are evident in almost every aspect of the food production and processing cycle. The food industry is characterised by its scale. According to Euromonitor, it is the world’s largest industry (although figures on the economic contribution of the industry vary according to what is included within the classification of ‘food’), (Euromonitor, 2013). It established the first globally integrated markets, it permeates every civilisation and it makes a sizeable contribution towards emissions of carbon dioxide (the key gas implicated in climate change) (FCRN, 2010). Some food brands are universally recognised. Few, in even the most remote societies, will be unfamiliar with the bright red logo of the Coca Cola company or the yellow and red banner of the McDonalds hamburger chain. Others are defined by their localism and use their local credentials as a badge of pride and distinctiveness.

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  • Rebecca Hawkins, Oxford Brookes University (Author)

For the source title:

  • Donald Sloan, Oxford Brookes University (Editor)

Cite as

Hawkins, 2013

Hawkins, R. (2013) "Chapter 4 Food Ethics" In: Sloan, D. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/978-1-908999-03-0-2345


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Published in Food and Drink: the cultural context

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