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Chapter 5 Case Studies and Data

DOI: 10.23912/978-1-910158-51-7-2778


Published: September 2015

Component type: chapter

Published in: Research Methods for Business and Management 2nd edn

Parent DOI: 10.23912/978-1-910158-51-7-2735



The backbone of every research project is the collection of data that a researcher has identified as worthy of analysis. Interviews, survey questionnaires, publically available information and audio-visual material are all potential sources of data to a researcher. However, collecting data can be a daunting experience, either because you have too little data or because what looked like a rich dataset has turned into a nightmarish sense of data-overload. It is therefore helpful to spend time thinking about where you will look for data. Evaluating data sources will save valuable time and resources but also tends to lead to better analysis and more robust results. What constitutes good practice when collecting data is very much dependent on the research tradition within which your project is placed. How do different research traditions define and use data? For those scholars whose work you are engaging with closely, where did they source data? The chapter will help you evaluate data quality, consider ways in which different sources of data be combined and will provide practical advice on data collection. Additionally, a great part of this chapter is dedicated to case studies as an example of a methodology that can be based on different types of data. By following the advice offered here, you will be able to collect data that are relevant to your research methodology and build high quality insights.

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  • Angeliki Papachroni, Heriot-Watt University (Author)
  • Sean Lochrie, Heriot-Watt University (Author)

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Papachroni & Lochrie, 2015

Papachroni, A. & Lochrie, S. (2015) "Chapter 5 Case Studies and Data" In: O'Gorman, K.D. & MacIntosh, R. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/978-1-910158-51-7-2778


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