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The Sharing Economy and the Tourism Industry

DOI: 10.23912/9781915097064-4970

ISBN: 9781915097064

Published: April 2022

Component type: book



The sharing economy is at the centre of current debates involving new technologies, sustainability, big data and stakeholder engagement. This edited volume encourages new theoretical and empirical development on sharing economy studies in the service industries field.

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Taheri, Rahimi & Buhalis, 2022

Taheri, B., Rahimi, R. & Buhalis, D. (2022) The Sharing Economy and the Tourism Industry. Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/9781915097064-4970


Chapter 1 Introduction The Sharing Economy and the Tourism Industry (Taheri, Rahimi & Buhalis)

Chapter 2 The Sharing Economy History, definitions and related concepts (Martos-Carrión & Miguel)

Chapter 3 Understanding the Sharing Economy (Gül)

Chapter 4 Hosting via Airbnb Motivations and operational complexities (Ozanne, Prayag & Martin-Neuninger)

Chapter 5 A Critical Review of Sharing Economy in Tourism (Micera & Buonincontri)

Chapter 6 National culture and the sharing economy (Berndt & Peasley)

Chapter 7 The Impact of Airbnb on the Traditional Accommodation Sector in Trinidad and Tobago (Brown, Lewis-Cameron, Jordan-Miller & Fronti)

Chapter 8 The Sharing Economy and Peer to Peer Accommodation From new consumers to new business models (Oliveira, Eusébio & Brandão)

Chapter 9 Co-creation of value - Valorization of local identity through creative tourism (Sfodera & Leo)

Chapter 10 Mine, yours and ‘shared’ The ethical discourse of collaborative consumption (Oskam)

Chapter 11 Big Data and Digital Marketing in the Sharing Economy (Waite & Perez-Vega)

Chapter 12 The Future of Mobility According to Uber Current dynamics, immediate challenges and future prospects (Manavhela & Henama)

Chapter 13 Blockchain and the Future of the Sharing Economy A decentralized sharing economy (Yazici)

Chapter 14 Rethinking Tourism Models in the Platform Era of the Sharing Economy Implications for tourism marketing and management (Almeida-Santana, David-Negre, Moreno-Gil & Coca-Stefaniak)

Chapter 15 Conclusion The Sharing Economy Perspectives, opportunities and challenges (Taheri, Rahimi & Buhalis)


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