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Chapter 3 Food, Drink and Identity

DOI: 10.23912/978-1-908999-03-0-2348

ISBN: 978-1-908999-03-0

Published: September 2013

Component type: chapter

Published in: Food and Drink: the cultural context

Parent DOI: 10.23912/978-1-908999-03-0-2005



Identity refers to who we think (or feel) we are, but also to who others think we are. Identities are closely tied to our values, attitudes, beliefs, preferences, behaviours and personality characteristics that distinguish us from others around us. However, none of us are unique in our values, beliefs or our characteristics, and our identities often reflect those of others. Our identities are inevitably shaped by the people we interact with, the environments in which we live, and the cultures that we encounter. Therefore, to best understand how identities emerge, it is important to consider the social and cultural contexts in which people live. Eating and drinking are universal to all cultures; but, the beliefs and practices surrounding food and drink reflect the particular characteristics of cultures alongside the identities of the people who are part of those cultures. Food, drink and identity interact in multiple ways. This chapter considers these interactions in commercial hospitality and social settings. It examines the relationship between food, drink and identity from the consumption perspective, i.e. how foods and drinks influence and communicate identities in social and domestic settings; and how identities and the desire to articulate our sense of selves shape when, how and what foods and drinks we consume. The chapter also incorporates the production point of view, particularly within commercial contexts. It discusses how notions of identities are exploited through marketing and in the creation of commercial hospitality experiences. It also considers the ways staff’s identities are involved in creating food and drink related experiences.

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  • Peter Lugosi, Oxford School of Hospitality Management (Author)

For the source title:

  • Donald Sloan, Oxford Brookes University (Editor)

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Lugosi, 2013

Lugosi, P. (2013) "Chapter 3 Food, Drink and Identity" In: Sloan, D. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/978-1-908999-03-0-2348


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