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Focus On Festivals

DOI: 10.23912/978-1-910158-15-9-2599

ISBN: 978-1-910158-15-9

Published: January 2015

Component type: book



A powerful and unique case-study focused, theoretically rigorous and pan-European approach to our most ubiquitous cultural phenomena - festivals.

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  • Chris Newbold, De Montfort University (Editor)
  • Christopher Maughan, Freelance writer (Editor)
  • Jennie Jordan, De Montfort University (Editor)
  • Franco Bianchini, Leeds Beckett University (Editor)

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Newbold, Maughan, Jordan & Bianchini, 2015

Newbold, C., Maughan, C., Jordan, J. & Bianchini, F. (2015) Focus On Festivals. Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/978-1-910158-15-9-2599


Chapter 1 Festivals, Why, What, When, A case study of Berlin (Hertling)

Chapter 2 Festivalisation: Patterns and Limits (Négrier)

Chapter 3 Festivals, Urbanity and the Public Sphere, reflections on European festivals (Sassatelli)

Chapter 4 Festivals, Conformity and Socialisation (Szabó)

Chapter 5 Festivals as Communities of Practice, Learning by doing and knowledge networks amongst artists (Comunian)

Chapter 6 Festivals of Transition, Greenlight Festival Leicester (Fletcher)

Chapter 7 How to Flow (Silvanto)

Chapter 8 Romaeuropa Festival, A Case Study (Argano)

Chapter 9 Festival Leadership in Turbulent Times (Jordan)

Chapter 10 Mladi levi Festival, Reflections and Memories (Koprivšek)

Chapter 11 The Diggers’ Festival, Organising a community festival with political connotations (Norton)

Chapter 12 Volunteering for Festivals, Why and How (Autissier)

Chapter 13 Festival City, Rotterdam (Dooghe)

Chapter 14 The Enchanted City, Holstebro Festive Week, an experiential and social cultural space (Winkelhorn)

Chapter 15 Operaestate Festival Veneto, A socio cultural and economic analysis (Carnelli)

Chapter 16 Street Performance, The unintended consequences of festivals (Gaber)

Chapter 17 Diaspora Community Festivals and Tourism (Fu, Long & Thomas)

Chapter 18 Mela in the UK: A ‘travelled and habituated’ festival (Kaushal & Newbold)

Chapter 19 A View from Australia (Archer)

Chapter 20 Festivals in the Network Society (Richards)

Chapter 21 The Public Festival: Inspiration and interconnectivity at the heart of festivals (Deventer)

Chapter 22 Belonging and Unbelonging, The cultural purpose of festivals (Gordziejko)

Chapter 23 Transnational Festivals, a European Alternative, Les Boréales and Reims Scènes d’Europe (Autissier)

Chapter 24 The Future of European Festivals (d’Arcier)

Chapter 25 Some Reflections on the Future of Festival Practice in Europe (Austen)


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