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Chapter 10 The Economic, Social and Environmental Impacts

DOI: 10.23912/978-1-910158-39-5-2750

ISBN: 978-1-910158-39-5

Published: September 2015

Component type: chapter

Published in: Winter Sport Tourism

Parent DOI: 10.23912/978-1-910158-39-5-2687



The unprecedented expansion of tourism has given rise to a number of economic, environmental and social impacts that tend to be concentrated in destination areas (Wall & Mathieson, 2006). Tourism research has typically emphasized the economic impacts and yet there are increasing concerns about the effects of tourism on host societies and their environments. A number of techniques have been developed to monitor these impacts. Common analytical frameworks include an environmental audit, environmental impact analysis, carrying capacity, and community assessment techniques. It is beyond the scope of this book to cover these techniques in detail, but the tourism manager needs to have knowledge of the most current models. Managers must also have an understanding of the principles of sustainable tourism, described as “tourism which is developed and maintained in an area in such a manner and at such a scale that it remains viable over an indefinite period and does not degrade or alter the environment (human and physical) in which it exists to such a degree that it prohibits the successful development and well-being of other activities and processes” (Butler, 1993, p. 29). As shown in the Spotlight above, Canadian Mountain Holidays is a good example of this. This increasing emphasis on sustainability has important implications for winter sport tourism, and this chapter focuses on the three pillars of sustainability – the economy, the environment and society. In the past, winter sport tourism was encouraged for its economic benefits with little consideration for the effects on the environment. But this is beginning to change. For tourism to be sustainable, it is vital that its impacts are understood, so that they can be incorporated into planning and management. Table 10.1 lists just some of the positive and negative impacts of winter sport tourism according to experts, many of which are covered in more detail throughout this chapter.

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  • Dr. Simon Hudson, University of South Carolina (Author)
  • Louise Hudson, Freelance researcher, and writer (Author)

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  • Dr. Simon Hudson, University of South Carolina (Author)
  • Louise Hudson, Freelance researcher, and writer (Author)

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Hudson & Hudson, 2015

Hudson, D.S. & Hudson, L. (2015) "Chapter 10 The Economic, Social and Environmental Impacts" In: Hudson, D.S. & Hudson, L. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/978-1-910158-39-5-2750


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