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Chapter 5 Hypermobile Business and Leisure Lifestyles, will wellbeing concerns stimulate environmental co benefits

DOI: 10.23912/978-1-910158-64-7-3269

ISBN: 978-1-910158-64-7

Published: November 2016

Component type: chapter

Published in: Low Carbon Mobility Transitions

Parent DOI: 10.23912/978-1-910158-64-7-2847



This chapter examines the negative consequences for individuals who undertake leisure-motivated lifestyle mobilities or frequent business travel, and considers these movements in light of their potentially differing impacts on climate change. It explores the question of whether adherents of hypermobile lifestyles will be willing to change their mobility patterns based on negative personal consequences. This is a crucial question to ask as the literature suggests that the hypermobile are largely unwilling to change their travel behaviour for environmental reasons alone. The potential for behaviour change based on concerns over wellbeing is instead examined, and it is concluded that while some forms of leisure-motivated lifestyle mobility may entail less high-emission movement, it is unlikely that concern over lifestyle mobilities’ personal consequences will lead to behavioural change. In contrast, it is within frequent business travel, which tends to require frequent air travel (with its concomitant higher emissions), where the consequences of this hypermobility can entail severe physiological costs, that the most leverage for behavioural change based on concerns over personal wellbeing exists. The chapter concludes that it is business- rather than leisure-motivated hypermobile lifestyles that present the most promising realm for achieving low carbon mobility transitions.

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  • Scott A. Cohen, School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, University of Surrey, UK (Author)

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Cohen, S.A. (2016) "Chapter 5 Hypermobile Business and Leisure Lifestyles, will wellbeing concerns stimulate environmental co benefits" In: Hopkins, D. & Higham, J. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/978-1-910158-64-7-3269


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