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Enterprise: Concepts and Issues

DOI: 10.23912/978-1-910158-75-3-2848

ISBN: 978-1-910158-75-3

Published: 31 January 2016

Component type: book



Via different dimensions and with international case studies, it explains how entrepreneurship is being applied across the economy.


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Arshed & Danson, 2016

Arshed, N. & Danson, M. (2016) Enterprise: Concepts and Issues. Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/978-1-910158-75-3-2848


Chapter 1 Understanding Entrepreneurship An Introduction (Danson & Arshed)

Chapter 2 Economic Theories of Entrepreneurship (McFarlane)

Chapter 3 Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneuriship (McFarlane)

Chapter 4 Diversity in Entrepreneurship (Nguyen)

Chapter 5 Social Entrepreneurship (McGilvray, Parker, Quinn & Cowan)

Chapter 6 Corporate Entrepreneurship (Ng)

Chapter 7 Family Business (Sanders)

Chapter 8 Entrepreneurial Leadership (Mujtaba)

Chapter 9 International Entrepreneurship and Growth (Tran & Batas)

Chapter 10 Exit Failure and Success (Arshed)

Chapter 11 Enterprise Policy (Arshed & Danson)

Chapter 12 Business Ethics (Queenan)


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