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Crowd Management

DOI: 10.23912/978-1-911396-88-8-3900

ISBN: 978-1-911396-88-8

Published: December 2019

Component type: book



The first text to present a system for crowd management which integrates security with the other concerns for the health and safety for crowds, looking at the theories and practices of the management processes, plans, monitoring and evaluation of crowds.


  • William O’Toole, Events Management Specialist (Author)
  • Dr Stephen Luke, Critical Care, Mass Gathering, Pre-Hospital & Retrieval Medicine Specialist (Author)
  • Travis Semmens, Australian Concert and Entertainment Security Pty Ltd (Author)
  • Dr Jason Brown, Thalys (Author)
  • Andrew Tatrai, Australian Concert and Entertainment Security (Author)

Cite as

O’Toole, Luke, Semmens, Brown & Tatrai, 2019

O’Toole, W., Luke, D.S., Semmens, T., Brown, D.J. & Tatrai, A. (2019) Crowd Management. Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/978-1-911396-88-8-3900


Chapter 1 The Management Framework (O’Toole, Luke, Semmens, Brown & Tatrai)

Chapter 2 Decision Making on the Day (O’Toole, Luke, Semmens, Brown & Tatrai)

Chapter 3 Risk and Management (O’Toole, Luke, Semmens, Brown & Tatrai)

Chapter 4 Crowd Risks and Advanced Tools (O’Toole, Luke, Semmens, Brown & Tatrai)

Chapter 5 Crowd Behaviour Theory (O’Toole, Luke, Semmens, Brown & Tatrai)

Chapter 6 Crowd Planning and Preparation (O’Toole, Luke, Semmens, Brown & Tatrai)

Chapter 7 Security Theory Process, definitions, tools and techniques (O’Toole, Luke, Semmens, Brown & Tatrai)

Chapter 8 Security Hostile Attacks (O’Toole, Luke, Semmens, Brown & Tatrai)

Chapter 9 Integrating Health (O’Toole, Luke, Semmens, Brown & Tatrai)

Chapter 10 Crowded Health (O’Toole, Luke, Semmens, Brown & Tatrai)


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