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Chapter 2 Decision Making on the Day

DOI: 10.23912/978-1-911396-88-8-4299

ISBN: 978-1-911396-88-8

Published: December 2019

Component type: chapter

Published in: Crowd Management

Parent DOI: 10.23912/978-1-911396-88-8-3900



Chapter 2 concerns issues on the day of the event and within the crowd. In a complex situation effective decisions must be made before small risks become disasters. In this chapter we explore the numerous techniques common to the four sections. These are heuristics, situational awareness, appropriate response, proportionality, local optimization, triggers and resilience. The domains may have different names for these and they will describe them from their perspective in the proceeding chapters.

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  • William O’Toole, Events Management Specialist (Author)
  • Dr Stephen Luke, Critical Care, Mass Gathering, Pre-Hospital & Retrieval Medicine Specialist (Author)
  • Travis Semmens, Australian Concert and Entertainment Security Pty Ltd (Author)
  • Dr Jason Brown, Thalys (Author)
  • Andrew Tatrai, Australian Concert and Entertainment Security (Author)

For the source title:

  • William O’Toole, Events Management Specialist (Author)
  • Dr Stephen Luke, Critical Care, Mass Gathering, Pre-Hospital & Retrieval Medicine Specialist (Author)
  • Travis Semmens, Australian Concert and Entertainment Security Pty Ltd (Author)
  • Dr Jason Brown, Thalys (Author)
  • Andrew Tatrai, Australian Concert and Entertainment Security (Author)

Cite as

O’Toole, Luke, Semmens, Brown & Tatrai, 2019

O’Toole, W., Luke, D.S., Semmens, T., Brown, D.J. & Tatrai, A. (2019) "Chapter 2 Decision Making on the Day" In: O’Toole, W., Luke, D.S., Semmens, T., Brown, D.J. & Tatrai, A. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/978-1-911396-88-8-4299


Chapter 2 Decision Making on the Day [Details]Price: €6.99*Licences / Downloadable file

Published in Crowd Management

Chapter 2 Decision Making on the Day [Details]Price: €6.99*Licences / Downloadable file
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