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Chapter 9 Event Portfolios and Cultural Exhibitions in Canberra and Melbourne

DOI: 10.23912/978-1-911396-91-8-4204

ISBN: 978-1-911396-91-8

Published: September 2019

Component type: chapter

Published in: Event Portfolio Management

Parent DOI: 10.23912/978-1-911396-91-8-4260



The sustainable development of an event portfolio requires a synergy between the different types of events included in it. The pool of events that are commonly used by city event planners and destination marketers usually revolve around major sport events, cultural festivals and celebrations, and world trade expositions. Some cities, however, also attract and stage international touring exhibitions that bring together a collection of rare art works, significant cultural objects, or memorabilia to tour a limited number of destinations. In this chapter, major events such as international touring exhibitions will be explored as key components of portfolios of events in Canberra and Melbourne. The chapter discusses the different ways event and tourism planners in Canberra and Melbourne have been approaching major touring exhibitions, and the specific roles these events can play in delivering a balanced and successful portfolio. It will be demonstrated that the decision making around events and event portfolio composition needs to be considered within a wider context, in the light of the city’s geography and demographics, as well as political, social and cultural factors. An exploratory qualitative research was conducted in Canberra and Melbourne, Australia. The primary data was collected from 12 semi-structured interviews with managers and executives in tourism and major events planning in both cities, as well as managers and curators of the cultural institutions that had hosted major touring exhibitions. The secondary data included a range of documents pertinent to the cities’ tourism and major events policy and strategy, existing research about touring exhibitions, and websites and articles in the mass media. In the chapter, examples of past major exhibitions are given.

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  • Valentina Gorchakova (Author)

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Gorchakova, 2019

Gorchakova, V. (2019) "Chapter 9 Event Portfolios and Cultural Exhibitions in Canberra and Melbourne" In: Antchak, V., Ziakas, V. & Getz, D. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/978-1-911396-91-8-4204


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Published in Event Portfolio Management

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