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Event Impact Assessment

DOI: 10.23912/978-1-911635-03-1-3897

ISBN: 978-1-911635-03-1

Published: November 2018

Component type: book



Impact assessment can be highly technical and complex, requiring a broad knowledge base and diverse skills, but like evaluation, it is a process fraught with philosophical, technical and political perils. Why is it done, by whom, and how, must be carefully planned. Impacts cannot always be ’proven’, so the nature of evidence becomes critical. Accordingly, a strong theoretical base is needed by all IA practitioners.

Whilst economic impacts have received a great deal of attention, with sufficient material available to guide all applications, for social, cultural and environmental IA the theory and practice has lagged. In the context of Triple Bottom Line, social responsibility and sustainability approaches most of the available literature is on normative goals (such as going green, meeting sustainability standards), the nature of positive and negative impacts (a descriptive approach or based on public input), or theory about how impacts occur; very little theory development or praxis has been directed at impact assessment for these applied fields.

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Getz, 2018

Getz, D. (2018) Event Impact Assessment. Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/978-1-911635-03-1-3897


Chapter 1 Basic Concepts and Definitions (Getz)

Chapter 2 Theory (Getz)

Chapter 3 Impact Assessment Process, Measures and Methods (Getz)

Chapter 4 Social Impact Assessment (Getz)

Chapter 5 Cultural Impacts (Getz)

Chapter 6 Built Environment (Getz)

Chapter 7 Ecological Impacts (Getz)

Chapter 8 Economic Impact Assessment (Getz)

Chapter 9 Conclusions (Getz)


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