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Chapter 9 Reputation and perceived resilience in developing countries bidding for major sports events

DOI: 10.23912/9781911396673-4122

ISBN: 9781911396673

Published: July 2019

Component type: chapter

Published in: Reputation and Image Recovery for the Tourism Industry

Parent DOI: 10.23912/9781911396673-3803



Increasingly, international sports events (ISEs) are viewed as attractive opportunities for developing nations seeking to enhance their global profile in terms of both global prestige, economic development, and tourism (Chappelet & Parent, 2015; Shipway & Fyall, 2012). From a resilience perspective, the dimension of changing host locations, often due to the increasingly competitive bidding agenda of many host cities and nations, represents a significant proposition that has major implications with regards to the resilience of such events, in terms of crisis and disaster management. As such, changing host locations, from a resilience perspective, requires not only attention to the capacity of sports venues and infrastructure to absorb shocks and still maintain function, but to also include the propensity to facilitate adaptation, renewal and even re-organisation (Shipway, 2018). Whether these are natural disasters or man-made terrorist attacks, any disturbance creates an opportunity for both undertaking new actions (innovation), and for more effectively reacting to their onset (ongoing development) (Berkes et al., 2003; Holling, 1973; Gunderson 2000). Similarly, crisis management is influential in being an assessment of the ability of the country, including its emergency services, political elite, medical services, military and disaster management system to handle emergencies and/or disasters (Shipway & Miles, 2018).

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  • Richard Shipway, Senior Principal Academic, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, UK (Author)
  • Lee Miles (Author)

For the source title:

  • Gabby Walters, Tourism Discipline, School of Business, University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD (Editor)
  • Judith Mair, Associate Professor, UQ Business School, University of Queensland, Australia (Editor)

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Shipway & Miles, 2019

Shipway, R. & Miles, L. (2019) "Chapter 9 Reputation and perceived resilience in developing countries bidding for major sports events" In: Walters, G. & Mair, J. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/9781911396673-4122


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Published in Reputation and Image Recovery for the Tourism Industry

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