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Chapter 7 Knowledge and event leadership (Jane Tattersall)

DOI: 10.23912/9781911635253-4869

ISBN: 9781911635253

Published: May 2021

Component type: chapter

Published in: Event Leadership

Parent DOI: 10.23912/9781911635253-4274



The aim of this chapter is to explain the value and management of different types of knowledge in an events or music festival business setting, where its potential to maximise profit and help an organisation to outperform its rivals has received less attention in academic literature than other sectors such as manufacturing or information technology. Competition in the events and festivals sectors has increased considerably as more companies join the market, and the nature and scope of events has widened to satisfy consumer appetites for more diverse and engaging experiences. Leaders that nurture, recognise, manage and employ knowledge effectively are more likely to be innovative and successful in their sector. Throughout the chapter, knowledge is explored mostly through the lens of music festivals, although the points made are easily applicable to the wider events, tourism and leisure sectors.

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  • Jane Tattersall, Sheffield Hallam University (Author)

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Tattersall, 2021

Tattersall, J. (2021) "Chapter 7 Knowledge and event leadership (Jane Tattersall)" In: Abson, D.E. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/9781911635253-4869


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