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Chapter 6 International Tourism

DOI: 10.23912/9781911635352-4729

ISBN: 9781911635352

Published: December 2020

Component type: chapter

Published in: Tourism Theories, Concepts and Models

Parent DOI: 10.23912/9781911635352-4280



International tourism is influenced by both small and big ‘P’ politics. Political factors influence who can visit a country and who is not welcome. As Artal-Tur et al. (2015) note, the impact of diplomatic relations on tourism flows is immense. Political relationships influence international air service agreements and through the General Agreement of Trade in Services, controlled by the World Trade Organization (WTO), influence the internationalization of tourism in all areas. To understand international tourism, then, you need a general understanding of the international trade dimensions that guide it and the politics behind some of them.

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McKercher & Prideaux, 2020

McKercher, B. & Prideaux, B. (2020) "Chapter 6 International Tourism" In: McKercher, B. & Prideaux, B. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/9781911635352-4729


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Published in Tourism Theories, Concepts and Models

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