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Chapter 11 The Future of Tracking Tourists’ Behaviour and Mobility

DOI: 10.23912/9781911635383-4563

ISBN: 9781911635383

Published: Nov 2020

Component type: chapter

Published in: Tracking Tourists

Parent DOI: 10.23912/9781911635383-4277



The field of tracking tourists’ mobility is a rapidly evolving space. In the eighteen months that it has taken to write this book, many innovations, along with world events such as COVID-19 have emerged, which have required updates to be made to this manuscript. There is no reason to believe that these changes will not continue to be necessary, as technological innovations are likely to occur at a rapid pace and will, no doubt, be utilised by those involved in tourism research. The purpose of this chapter is to attempt to investigate the future of the adaptations that are likely to occur with regards to tourist tracking technology and methods. A near-future gaze is taken as technology and world events are evolving so quickly that it is difficult to predict a future beyond the short term. Techniques such as physiological tracking, emergency management, indoor positioning, machine learning and artificial intelligence are assessed along with the future of ethical research conduct. A summary is also made where the pros and cons of each research method is assessed and finally, future research needs are highlighted.

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Hardy, 2020

Hardy, A. (2020) "Chapter 11 The Future of Tracking Tourists’ Behaviour and Mobility" In: Hardy, A. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/9781911635383-4563


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Published in Tracking Tourists

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