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Chapter 5 Structural Elements of Knowledge Management

DOI: 10.23912/9781911635444-4917

ISBN: 9781911635444

Published: March 2021

Component type: chapter

Published in: Knowledge Management in Event Organisations

Parent DOI: 10.23912/9781911635444-4545



As outlined in the previous chapters, knowledge can be practised in many different ways and technology can only to some extent support these activities. There are other structural elements that organisations can put in place though, to support and enhance knowledge practices and knowledge management. This chapter starts with a brief overview of the relationship between human resource management and knowledge management. It has been argued that the two go hand-in-hand and that effective human resource management can positively contribute to creating both a structure and a culture for knowledge management. It will therefore be covered here in relation to organisational structure and then referred back to in Chapter 6, where organisational culture will be further explored. The literature on human resource management is vast and it should be noted that only HR practices that are particularly relevant to the events industry will be covered in depth in this chapter. Based on this introduction to HR and knowledge practices, the second part of the chapter will then explore different hierarchical and non-hierarchical structures that can enhance or inhibit knowledge management, such as top-down, bottom-up and middle-up-down knowledge management, as well as the creation of interdisciplinary teams and pods. While it is necessary to have these organisational structures in place, the structure of an organisation, however, is never fixed, but rather a dynamic constellation of relationships (Küpers, 2005). In terms of the relational and practice-based approach to knowledge management this is important to acknowledge, as it helps to understand the fluid and dynamic environment in which knowledge is practised. The chapter finishes with a discussion of specific knowledge management roles and responsibilities at different levels and for both internal and external stakeholders. These again are important to recognise in any organisation as they shape the way employees think about their roles in relation to knowledge management and therefore how they come to understand certain knowledge practices.

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Stadler, 2021

Stadler, R. (2021) "Chapter 5 Structural Elements of Knowledge Management" In: Stadler, R. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/9781911635444-4917


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Published in Knowledge Management in Event Organisations

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