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Chapter 10 Key Challenges in the Planning and Management of Tourism in Marine Environments

DOI: 10.23912/9781911635574-4441

ISBN: 9781911635574

Published: August 2020

Component type: chapter

Published in: The Impact of Tourism on the Marine Environment

Parent DOI: 10.23912/9781911635574-4283



Throughout much of this text to date I have suggested that the public sector needs to be doing more to plan and manage tourism to reduce its negative impacts on the marine environment. However, I have never said this would be easy and in the Preface, I outlined some of the complexities involved in the planning and management of tourism of the oceans, from the beaches and shoreline to the most remote areas of open sea. In this chapter we will explore some of these complexities and endeavour to look beyond them to see how we might try to develop a model of best practice for the future. Planning and management is obviously a wide field so I will be focusing upon three main areas of activity as follows: - The planning process for tourism including master planning of new resorts, zoning of land and sea for various uses and the system for evaluating and making decisions on proposed new developments. - The ways in which the operations of the tourism industry are managed by the public sector, including legislation and regulations and their enforcement as well as policies on infrastructure development and management. - Emergency planning and crisis management in the event of various kinds of natural disasters which is an important issue in relation to tourism.

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  • Professor John Swarbrooke (Author)

For the source title:

  • Professor John Swarbrooke, University of Plymouth, UK (Author)

Cite as

Swarbrooke, 2020

Swarbrooke, P.J. (2020) "Chapter 10 Key Challenges in the Planning and Management of Tourism in Marine Environments" In: Swarbrooke, P.J. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/9781911635574-4441


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Published in The Impact of Tourism on the Marine Environment

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