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Chapter 2 Re imagining the Green Guest

DOI: 10.23912/9781911635659-5431

ISBN: 9781911635659

Published: February 2023

Component type: chapter

Published in: How to Create Sustainable Hospitality

Parent DOI: 10.23912/9781911635659-5276



The key points of this chapter: Knowledge gaps lead to bad practice. The hospitality sector is hamstrung by a dearth of information and first hand experience. New technology and research can empower us to make smarter long-term choices Tourism can – and should – flip the status quo, creating market demand rather than waiting for it. Sustainable behaviour can enrich guest experience The most valuable research focuses on real-life case studies. What people say and what people do does not always match. The beating heart of sustainable tourism is real-world behaviours All guests are potential green guests. Typecasting people is counterproductive, leading to faulty assumptions and a false sense that ‘green’ guests are a niche market

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Warren, 2023

Warren, C. (2023) "Chapter 2 Re imagining the Green Guest" In: Warren, C. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/9781911635659-5431


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Published in How to Create Sustainable Hospitality

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