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Chapter 8 Step 4 Interpersonal communication (Meaning)

DOI: 10.23912/9781911635659-5433

ISBN: 9781911635659

Published: February 2023

Component type: chapter

Published in: How to Create Sustainable Hospitality

Parent DOI: 10.23912/9781911635659-5276



Earlier, we explored Materials used to save resources and the reasons why guests need to be shown Skills to conserve. Now in this chapter, I discuss Meaning, the third element that integrates with Materials and Skills. It considers the psychological factors involved in persuading guests to participate. Meaning is the essential element to master for businesses wishing to involve guests in resource conservation. This chapter sets out how to persuade your guests to actively participate in conserving. This approach must be interwoven with your guest-centred designed experience (Chapter 6) so that you can make significant savings. Doing it right means increased guest satisfaction by exceeding expectations. It also means more positive reviews heralding your innovative hospitality. Is that not a breath of fresh air in a world full of commercial challenges?

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Warren, 2023

Warren, C. (2023) "Chapter 8 Step 4 Interpersonal communication (Meaning)" In: Warren, C. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/9781911635659-5433


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Published in How to Create Sustainable Hospitality

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