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Chapter 1 Event Management A sustainable project management perspective

DOI: 10.23912/9781911635734-4785

ISBN: 9781911635734

Published: February 2021

Component type: chapter

Published in: Event Project Management

Parent DOI: 10.23912/9781911635734-4390



The Events Management sector has been a new fast-growing trend that links tourism, business, and leisure together (Getz, 1997). Traditionally, all events were mainly focused on financial benefits. However, the recent trend reflects a broader vision based on sustainable (social, cultural, envi- ronmental and economic) issues. The term ‘Green Events’ became a new trend in events; usually sponsored and organized by local authorities that try to educate visitors and the local community towards more sustainable behaviours through the integration of sustainable tools during the plan- ning, organisation, and management processes to reduce potential adverse effects resulting from the limited focus on the financial objectives.

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Salama & Raffaelli, 2021

Salama, M. & Raffaelli, Y. (2021) "Chapter 1 Event Management A sustainable project management perspective" In: Salama, M. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/9781911635734-4785


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Published in Event Project Management

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