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Chapter 5 Collaborative economy in the tourism industry The new deal for consumers in the European Union

DOI: 10.23912/9781911635765-4851

ISBN: 9781911635765

Published: April 2021

Component type: chapter

Published in: Sustainable and Collaborative Tourism in a Digital World

Parent DOI: 10.23912/9781911635765-4477



Europe is the most touristic continent in the world, receiving more than 50% of all international tourists (Santolli, 2017) according to the World Tourism Organization. People from all over the world want to go to the most famous tourist attractions in Europe and what once seemed a distant dream to international tourists due to the high prices of hotels and air tickets, is now possible thanks to the competitive prices of international airlines such as Ryanair, Vueling and EasyJet (O’Connell & Williams , 2005) and the alternative to traditional accommodation providers: collaborative economy platforms such as Airbnb, HomeAway or Wimdu. This short research paper will be focused on this type of platform, which provide mainly hosting services, and the legal aspects of their terms and conditions of service. The collaborative economy in the tourism industry is a growing business model, which allows consumers around the world to rent a spare room, an entire house or an apartment, for a short period of time, at a lower price than the accommodation offered by the traditional service providers such as hotels. However, this phenomenon was not born as a trending idea or an alternative way of getting an extra income, but of the pure necessity of generating cash in a period when the economy was stagnating, and the owners of properties needed to be creative with the available resources. The collaborative economy is characterized by generating economic benefit (Botsman & Rogers , 2010) from assets that would otherwise be given little or no use by their owners or holders. However, the concept of ‘resources’ covers much more than just assets, since resources can refer to spaces, skills and any kind of goods, which, if not made available to the collaborative economy, would be largely unused.

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Canales Gutiérrez, 2021

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Published in Sustainable and Collaborative Tourism in a Digital World

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