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Chapter 10 How digital strategy increases overtourism the case of Barcelona

DOI: 10.23912/9781911635765-4856

ISBN: 9781911635765

Published: April 2021

Component type: chapter

Published in: Sustainable and Collaborative Tourism in a Digital World

Parent DOI: 10.23912/9781911635765-4477



The term ‘overtourism’ made the headlines in 2017 to denote the antithesis of a fair, well-planned form of tourism. An overtourism destination is a destination perceived as the victim of uncontrolled flows of tourists. Some authors have contributed to analysing the first stages of this perception. Boissevain (1996) published ‘Coping with tourists: European reactions to mass tourism’, in which he analysed how a massive flow of tourists in Malta generated negative side effects and a total dependence on touristic economy. Tyler et al. (1998) offered one of the first analyses of ways to control tourism flow from a sustainable point of view. Bosselman et al. (1999) published a pioneering analysis on the relationships between hosts and tourists. The paper discusses the risks and benefits of growth in tourism and the need for long-term management to avoid overexploitation of tourist destinations. These research projects laid the foundations for reflection on sustainable tourism and were the starting point for studying the risks of overtourism. Fyall and Garrod (1998) discussed the impacts of overtourism on heritage sites. On the one hand, the phenomenon contributes to a short-term economic boost; on the other hand, it impacts negatively on the way of life of local communities.

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Lajoinie, Arriaga & Dosquet, 2021

Lajoinie, S.B., Arriaga, J.L.d.O. & Dosquet, F. (2021) "Chapter 10 How digital strategy increases overtourism the case of Barcelona" In: Decrop, A., Correia, A., Fyall, A. & Kozak, M. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/9781911635765-4856


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Published in Sustainable and Collaborative Tourism in a Digital World

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