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Chapter 8 Response and Recovery through Event Portfolio Management A Case Study from Des Moines, Iowa (Smita Singh and Eric D Olson)

DOI: 10.23912/9781911635901-4806

ISBN: 9781911635901

Published: April 2021

Component type: chapter

Published in: Crisis Management and Recovery for Events: Impacts and Strategies

Parent DOI: 10.23912/9781911635901-4692



Des Moines, Iowa, hosts a variety of diverse events and festivals, reaping quite an event portfolio. A balanced portfolio of events is shaped by long term strategy: “a full portfolio will consist of various types of events, for different target markets, held in different places, and at different times of the year, in pursuit of multiple goals” (Getz, 2013, p. 23). Diversified and multiple events can bring more profits to the event organizers and the stakeholders by identifying overall risk-reward characteristics and minimizing the risk of not attracting the target audiences (Ziakas, 2014). Portfolio management of events also involves multiple stakeholders with distinct needs, priorities, and expectations (Reid, 2011). Thus, stakeholder theory is also considered a strategic tool within the events sector (Niekerk & Getz, 2019) which emphasizes the engagements between the events or the event portfolio and its stakeholders, hence putting the event at the core of the evaluation. This chapter utilizes the festival and event sector in Des Moines, Iowa as a case study to highlight the challenges of recovery and response to the COVID-19 pandemic and examines how Des Moines’s portfolio management of festivals and events will position the city for a strong recovery in the festival and event sector. This chapter is organized as follows. First, we highlight key festivals and events in Des Moines. Next, we discuss how festivals and events in Des Moines have been responding to the impact of COVD-19. We then present four propositions, based on stakeholder interviews, how Des Moines can mitigate the effects of COVID-19 on its event portfolio.

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  • Smita Singh, Iowa State University (Author)
  • Eric D. Olson, Iowa State University (Author)

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Singh & Olson, 2021

Singh, S. & Olson, E.D. (2021) "Chapter 8 Response and Recovery through Event Portfolio Management A Case Study from Des Moines, Iowa (Smita Singh and Eric D Olson)" In: Ziakas, V., Antchak, V. & Getz, D. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/9781911635901-4806


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Published in Crisis Management and Recovery for Events: Impacts and Strategies

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