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Chapter 10 A Chronicle of Event Postponement and Reorganization Coming Back Stronger (Danai Varveri and Vassilios Ziakas)

DOI: 10.23912/9781911635901-4807

ISBN: 9781911635901

Published: April 2021

Component type: chapter

Published in: Crisis Management and Recovery for Events: Impacts and Strategies

Parent DOI: 10.23912/9781911635901-4692



Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the global event industry has been deeply affected. In Greece, the scale of the coronavirus crisis brings back memories of the 2008 financial crisis; both are crises that reshaped society in lasting ways. The 2008 financial crisis showed that the event industry in Greece can survive adverse conditions. In the following years, although Greece has been under strict austerity measures and economic hardship, the Greek calendar continued to feature a range of cultural festivals and events, especially during the summer months of the peak tourism season. Music and dance festivals are a mainstay of the creative event industry in Greece, because they not only enhance local development and tourism but also contribute to artistic expression and the utilization of cultural capital. The COVID-19 pandemic crisis has put at risk most events around the globe. According to chaos theory, the principle of ‘butterfly effect’ explains how small incidents may cause large effects to broader systems; in this manner alike the COVID-19 outbreak has plunged the global into a serious pandemic crisis. In the event industry, strict social distancing and restrictions to minimize the spread of coronavirus have set new norms in socializing and celebrating. Concerns about safety in gatherings have led to cancelling or reshaping events. The Greek government imposed consecutive lockdowns that paralyzed the already dismal social and business environment from a 10-year economic depression. Local or national lockdowns limit the range of managerial responses in event planning and make it more difficult for any level of crisis preparedness to be achieved. Thus, major uncertainties have arisen about the future and survival of events in Greece. How are event organizers responding to the crisis and adapting to the new conditions? What decision-making processes do they employ to deal with the consequences of the crisis? The purpose of this chapter is to throw light on the empirical decision-making of event managers to re-organize the National Ballet Competition of Greece as a virtual event. This experience is discussed alongside pertinent literature to highlight major issues and responses.

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Varveri & Ziakas, 2021

Varveri, D. & Ziakas, V. (2021) "Chapter 10 A Chronicle of Event Postponement and Reorganization Coming Back Stronger (Danai Varveri and Vassilios Ziakas)" In: Ziakas, V., Antchak, V. & Getz, D. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/9781911635901-4807


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Published in Crisis Management and Recovery for Events: Impacts and Strategies

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