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Chapter 10 Mine, yours and ‘shared’ The ethical discourse of collaborative consumption

DOI: 10.23912/9781915097064-5113

ISBN: 9781915097064

Published: April 2022

Component type: chapter

Published in: The Sharing Economy and the Tourism Industry

Parent DOI: 10.23912/9781915097064-4970



The so-called ‘sharing’ movement emerged during the 2008-2013 financial and economic crisis, with a discourse that proposed an alternative to the economic system that had caused it. The businesses and platforms that identified with the movement also adopted the claim that they would represent a more benign and more ‘human’ economic model than the centralized power that had proven to be harmful to society and to the environment. In other words, ‘sharing’ introduced a discourse about good and evil that pervaded the commercial performance, the regulation and the academic study of the movement. This chapter will first look at the programmatic texts of ‘sharing’, to subsequently analyse how its ethical principles manifested itself in the social debate.

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Oskam, 2022

Oskam, J. (2022) "Chapter 10 Mine, yours and ‘shared’ The ethical discourse of collaborative consumption" In: Taheri, B., Rahimi, R. & Buhalis, D. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/9781915097064-5113


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