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Chapter 9 The Impact of Technology on Customer Service

DOI: 10.23912/9781915097132-5079

ISBN: 9781915097132

Published: March 2022

Component type: chapter

Published in: Customer Service for Hospitality and Tourism 3rd edn

Parent DOI: 10.23912/9781915097132-5067



In 1999, Steven Spielberg convened a three-day think tank to gather insights from 23 top futurists for the making of his sci-fi thriller Minority Report which depicted the world of 2054. The goal was to create a realistic view of a plausible future. Projecting out from the present day’s marketing and media technologies – Web cookies, GPS devices, Bluetooth-enabled cell phones, TiVo personal video recorders, and barcode scanners – the filmmakers gave shape to an advertising-saturated society where billboards call out to you on a first-name basis, cereal boxes broadcast animated commercials, newspapers deliver news instantly over a broadband wireless network, holographic hosts greet you at retail stores, and biometric retina scans deduct the cost of goods from your bank account.


  • Dr. Simon Hudson, University of South Carolina (Author)
  • Louise Hudson, Freelance Journalist (Author)

For the source title:

  • Dr. Simon Hudson, University of South Carolina (Author)
  • Louise Hudson, Freelance Journalist (Author)

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Hudson & Hudson, 2022

Hudson, D.S. & Hudson, L. (2022) "Chapter 9 The Impact of Technology on Customer Service" In: Hudson, D.S. & Hudson, L. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/9781915097132-5079


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Published in Customer Service for Hospitality and Tourism 3rd edn

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