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Chapter 2 The Financial and Behavioral Impacts of Customer Service

DOI: 10.23912/9781915097132-5081

ISBN: 9781915097132

Published: March 2022

Component type: chapter

Published in: Customer Service for Hospitality and Tourism 3rd edn

Parent DOI: 10.23912/9781915097132-5067



As world economies shift from a dependence on manufacturing to a focus on providing timely, quality service, customer service becomes more and more criti- cal to business success – particularly in the service sector. The opening spotlight featuring Scott Dunn Travel is a good example. The tourism industry is just one part of the growing service sector, and there is an increasing dominance of services in economies worldwide. The services sector employs around 45% of the world’s total labor force, and in many western countries, the service sector is responsible for over three-quarters of the Gross Domestic Product. In North America today nearly 80% of people employed work in the service sector and less than 10% are employed in manufacturing. The service sector accounts for nearly 80% of GDP. This is the same in many European economies (United Kingdom, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Sweden, France, Denmark and Belgium) and, outside Europe, other manufacturing countries have moved to services as well. For example, in South Korea service activities represented 54% of total employment in 1995 and by 2019 that percentage was over 70%.


  • Dr. Simon Hudson, University of South Carolina (Author)
  • Louise Hudson, Freelance Journalist (Author)

For the source title:

  • Dr. Simon Hudson, University of South Carolina (Author)
  • Louise Hudson, Freelance Journalist (Author)

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Hudson & Hudson, 2022

Hudson, D.S. & Hudson, L. (2022) "Chapter 2 The Financial and Behavioral Impacts of Customer Service" In: Hudson, D.S. & Hudson, L. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/9781915097132-5081


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Published in Customer Service for Hospitality and Tourism 3rd edn

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