Chapter 8 Digital transformation and marketing in the fashion industry evolution
DOI: 10.23912/9781915097644-5803 | ISBN: Hardback |
Published: August 2024 | Component type: chapter |
Published in: Emerging Trends in Consumer Behaviour in the Service Sector | Parent DOI: 10.23912/9781915097644-5756 |
In the era of globalization and the ongoing digital revolution, digital marketing has emerged as a cornerstone of modern society, influencing how individuals interact with products and their surrounding environment. While the existing literature has extensively explored the broader impacts of digital transformation on various industries, there remains a noticeable research gap, particularly concerning the fashion industry. This chapter aims to fill this void by providing a detailed analysis of the specific impact of digital transformation, new technology, and marketing strategies within the fast fashion sector, with a focus on industry leaders such as Zara, H&M, and Reserved. The research sets out to comprehensively understand how these fast fashion brands have adapted to technological innovations and incorporated digital strategies. While it is acknowledged that these brands have embraced technology to varying extents, a nuanced examination of their specific approaches, challenges, and the resulting impact is essential for a holistic understanding of their evolution. The primary objective is to assess the influence of digital transformation and marketing on the fast fashion industry’s development. The study employs a two-fold approach. First, it analyzes the use of technological advancements and marketing innovations by Zara, H&M, and Reserved. This includes an examination of how these brands leverage new technologies to enhance operational efficiency, engage with consumers, and establish differentiation in a fiercely competitive market. Second, the study delves into the potential challenges and ethical considerations arising from the increasing integration of technology in the fashion industry, such as data privacy and regulatory compliance. Additionally, it explores the implications of technological advancements for sustainability and responsible business practices. The research methodology involves a thorough analysis of reports and available data, providing valuable insights into the dynamic intersection of technology, marketing, and fashion. This study not only contributes to academic research but also offers practical implications for industry stakeholders, policymakers, and businesses aiming to navigate the evolving landscape of the digital runway.
Sample content
- Monika Zaborowska, Lund University (Author)
- Aleksandra Borowicz, University of Gdansk (Author)
- Joanna Kuczewska, WSB Merito University (Author)
For the source title:
- Saloomeh Tabari, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, UK (Editor)
- Nazan Colmekcioglu, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, UK (Editor)
- Wei Chen, Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University, UK. (Editor)
Cite as
Zaborowska, Borowicz & Kuczewska, 2024
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