Chapter 4 Examining the role of sustainable luxury in the tourism sector
DOI: 10.23912/9781915097644-5807 | ISBN: Hardback |
Published: August 2024 | Component type: chapter |
Published in: Emerging Trends in Consumer Behaviour in the Service Sector | Parent DOI: 10.23912/9781915097644-5756 |
Sustainable luxury in the tourism sector is an emerging trend that aims to reconcile the pursuit of high-end travel experiences with environmental and social responsibility. This paradigm shift represents a direct response to the growing demand for luxury offerings that go beyond mere opulence, instead favoring sustainable practices. Despite the growth reached by sustainable luxury in the last years, extant literature focused on understanding consumers’ motivation thereby neglecting the possible interplay between cultural and personality factors.This chapter aims to identify how tourists’ involvement in sustainable luxury services may vary between consumers with different cultural contexts and levels of consciousness. Based on an empirical study, we show that tourists with a high cultural context tend to display a greater involvement toward sustainable luxury services. This suggests that individuals who are more influenced by cultural norms are likely to embrace sustainable practices and luxury experiences that align with environmental and social responsibility. Interestingly, among tourists with a low cultural context, the individual trait of conscientiousness may favor involvement in sustainable luxury. Grounding on these findings, we identify possible targeting strategies that may help managers in the tourism sector develop more effective marketing communication campaigns.
Sample content
- Rada Gutuleac, University of Turin (Author)
- Alberto Ferraris, University of Turin (Author)
- Cristian Rizzo, University of Turin (Author)
For the source title:
- Saloomeh Tabari, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, UK (Editor)
- Nazan Colmekcioglu, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, UK (Editor)
- Wei Chen, Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University, UK. (Editor)
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Gutuleac, Ferraris & Rizzo, 2024
Gutuleac, R., Ferraris, A. & Rizzo, C. (2024) "Chapter 4 Examining the role of sustainable luxury in the tourism sector" In: Tabari, S., Colmekcioglu, N., Chen, W. & , (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers
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