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Author FAQs

How do I submit a proposal?

Simply by downloading our proposal form and completing it with as much information as possible.

What key information is necessary?

Whilst the proposal form asks precise questions, the following are the main areas which require the most detail in order for us to have a clear idea of your proposed product.

  • Market – be specific, and provide as much information regarding who they are, where they are and how many of them. Its advisable to segment potential audiences into primary and secondary according to relevance. Don't be tempted to try to appeal to all markets – this has the danger of the end result appealing to none. Instead, commit to a specific target audience primarily. This not only provides focus in terms of writing style and content, but also to enable the most effective marketing and promotional campaigns on publication.

  • Competition – what are the key differentiators about your product? Why is it a better/preferable and most importantly, needed alternative to that which is all ready available – how will your product fill a gap in the market? Try to list specific titles that you see as key competition or most like your proposed product, then detail how and why yours is different/better.

  • Content – whilst we realise that at this time your idea may still be at an embryonic stage, by providing us with as much information in terms of chapter titles, structure., length, topics covered etc we will obviously have a much better idea of your plans in order to work with you to shape and refine them. It will also give any reviewers a much better idea of the proposed product they are commenting on and thus in turn, provide more helpful, valuable feedback.

What is the process?

The diagram below outlines the fundamental stages:

We receive your proposal
Proposal is sent out for blind peer review
Reviewer feedback is discussed and proposal refined/shaped accordingly
Writing/creation of product
Delivery of completed product to us

How long will it take to get a publishing decision?

This can vary, but usually no more than 4 weeks in order to factor in the return of reviewer feedback.

How does the review process work?

On receipt of your proposal we will contact between 3 and 5 (usually) experts in the relevant field asking them to comment on your proposal using our reviewer questionnaire. The whole process is kept 'blind' i.e. we remove your name from the proposal, and their name from the comments when we return then back to you. The purpose of this process is twofold – not only does it provide both us and you with constructive feedback but it also acts as 'advance marketing' in that your peer group is aware that this product could soon be available and to keep watching for its imminent publication!

How can I become a reviewer?

If you would like to offer your services as a reviewer, we would be delighted to hear from you. Simply email either Tim or Sally advising us of your preferred topic or area, and we will gladly add you name to our database. Each reviewer will be asked to complete our reviewer questionnaire when reviewing proposals, usually within a time frame of 2 to 3 weeks maximum. All reviewers are offered generous payment for their time.

What's in it for the author?

Making the decision to commit to writing a publication is certainly a big one – however, once completed and published, its extremely rewarding and has a number of substantial benefits for the author:

  • Financial: We offer generous royalty packages at Goodfellow Publishers on both hard copy and electronic downloads, recognising the time and effort that you have put into your product. With a net receipt royalty you will receive and agreed percentage of all profits made from your product once production costs and discounts have been taken into account. Writing is a long term investment - royalty payments can keep landing in your bank account long after the initial creation of your product!

  • Recognition: Writing and publishing is a key method of achieving recognition in your field – many 'gurus' have been created by writing successful publications.

  • Career enhancement: Both in practitioner and academic communities, successful authors are recognised as 'masters' in their field. From then on, it's up to you as author to exploit this to your best advantage!

  • Love of your topic: Writing and creating provides the opportunity for you to immerse yourself in a topic that is important to you and to spread it further to a wider audience to understand and appreciate.

How long does it take to publish my work and get it to market?

As explained previously, because we have a flexible and advanced work flow process and by using print on demand technologies, we can achieve publication rapidly and simultaneously - in as little as 12 weeks from manuscript to market. This means that content is right up to date and relevant when it hits the market. A significant difference from other publishers who can take anything from 9 months to a year.

We hope that this answers any queries you may have, but please feel free to contact us direct if you wish to discuss anything further, or you have any further questions.

Click here to download the proposal form.

Click here to download the reviewer questionnaire.

Posted by SALLY HARRIS, Oct 31, 2008

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