Contemporary Cases Online
An innovative, up to date and stimulating collection of case studies for all your learning, teaching and research needs.
Editors in chief: Dr Alan Fyall and Dr Brian Garrod
Contemporary Cases Online provides critical case studies that are original, flexible, challenging, controversial and research-informed, driven by the needs of teaching and learning. Cases will be focussed specifically on the emerging fields of Tourism, Heritage, Hospitality, Leisure, Retail, Events and Sport.
All cases offer:
Professor Alan Fyall is Orange County Endowed Professor of Tourism Marketing and Graduate Programs Director at the Rosen College of Hospitality Management, University of Central Florida, USA. He has published widely in his fields of expertise and is the author of over 100 articles, book chapters and conference papers as well as ten books including Tourism Principles & Practice, one of the leading international textbooks on the subject. Alan has organised a number of international conferences and workshops and sits on the editorial boards of Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Heritage Tourism, International Journal of Tourism Research and Tourism Recreation Research while he is book review editor on Anatolia. Alan has conducted numerous consulting and applied research projects for clients across the UK and overseas and currently serves on the ESRC Cluster Advisory Board for Exeter University Business School.
Dr Brian Garrod' is Reader in Tourism Management at Aberystwyth University. He has published five books, and written over thirty journal papers and book chapters. He is Book Reviews Editor of the Journal of Heritage Tourism, Associate Editor of the Journal of Ecotourism and an editorial board member of Tourism in Marine Environments and the International Journal of Sustainable Development.
We are currently in the process of commissioning authors. If you would like to author a case study for Contemporary Cases Online, please contact either Alan Fyall (Alan.Fyall@ucf.edu) or Brian Garrod (bgg@aber.ac.uk) directly, who will be pleased to discuss your contribution. To view and download the complete author guidelines, please click here .
All the cases are available for purchase in hard copy volume form. Click on the titles below for details and to purchase:
Contemporary Cases in Heritage Tourism: Volume 1 (due May 2013)
Contemporary Cases in Sport Volume 1
Contemporary Cases in Tourism
All cases offer:
- Topical currency: all cases are up to date and original and are regularly reviewed to ensure that currency is maintained.
- Immediate delivery: instant and secure downloads of fully XML tagged cases available for optimum searchability.
- Flexible pricing: cases are available for individual, or multi-user use with multiple purchase pricing based on a cumulative discount scale.
- Tutor resources: each case comes complete with a fully worked set of teaching resources, including: teaching notes and slides, links to additional articles/publications, worked questions and exercises.
- Community: in order to maximize engagement with case users and authors, we offer the opportunity to comment on and discuss each case on the site. This is so that we can build an interactive community of case practitioners, who work together to progressively develop, utilize, evaluate and rework an ever-evolving collection of cases.
About the editors
Professor Alan Fyall is Orange County Endowed Professor of Tourism Marketing and Graduate Programs Director at the Rosen College of Hospitality Management, University of Central Florida, USA. He has published widely in his fields of expertise and is the author of over 100 articles, book chapters and conference papers as well as ten books including Tourism Principles & Practice, one of the leading international textbooks on the subject. Alan has organised a number of international conferences and workshops and sits on the editorial boards of Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Heritage Tourism, International Journal of Tourism Research and Tourism Recreation Research while he is book review editor on Anatolia. Alan has conducted numerous consulting and applied research projects for clients across the UK and overseas and currently serves on the ESRC Cluster Advisory Board for Exeter University Business School.
Dr Brian Garrod' is Reader in Tourism Management at Aberystwyth University. He has published five books, and written over thirty journal papers and book chapters. He is Book Reviews Editor of the Journal of Heritage Tourism, Associate Editor of the Journal of Ecotourism and an editorial board member of Tourism in Marine Environments and the International Journal of Sustainable Development.
We are currently in the process of commissioning authors. If you would like to author a case study for Contemporary Cases Online, please contact either Alan Fyall (Alan.Fyall@ucf.edu) or Brian Garrod (bgg@aber.ac.uk) directly, who will be pleased to discuss your contribution. To view and download the complete author guidelines, please click here .
All the cases are available for purchase in hard copy volume form. Click on the titles below for details and to purchase:
Contemporary Cases in Heritage Tourism: Volume 1 (due May 2013)
Contemporary Cases in Sport Volume 1
Contemporary Cases in Tourism