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Customer Service for Hospitality and Tourism 4th edition

Simon Hudson, Louise Hudson

ISBN: HBK: 9781917433112; PBK:9781917433105; EBOOK: 9781917433129
DOI: 10.23912/9781917433112

About this book | Table of contents | About the authors | Online Resources | Buy now
  • Fully revised and updated throughout;
  • Three new cases on sustainability and customer service and updated cases throughout.
  • Brand new chapter on ‘Customer service and sustainability’ covering topics such as: The role of customer service in promoting sustainability; How sustainable practices lead to customer loyalty; How service quality perception affects the authenticity of sustainability initiatives; and three new case studies showing customer service and sustainability in practice.
  • New and extended material and case studies on AI and its influence on customer service.

A fully revised and updated new edition of this bestselling and a unique text that explains not only the theory behind the importance of customer service but also acts as a guidebook for those wishing to put this theory into practice. In essence it is the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’of customer service. Fully updated with current statistics, trends, and examples, it is full of up to date references to all the latest research from both academic and practitioner literature. Chapters cover important topics such as the financial and behavioural consequences of customer service, consumer trends influencing service, developing and maintaining a service culture, managing service encounters, the importance of market research, building and maintaining customer relationships, providing customer service through the servicescape, the impact of technology on customer service, the importance of service recovery, and promoting customer service internally and externally.

The fourth edition of this book – like those before - is easy to read, very current, and full of references to all the latest research. It contains brand new material on issues surrounding sustainability and AI in the context of customer services, as well three brand new cases associated with these topics and a brand new chapter on ‘Customer service and sustainability’ covering topics such as: The role of customer service in promoting sustainability; How sustainable practices lead to customer loyalty; How service quality perception affects the authenticity of sustainability initiatives; and three new case studies showing customer service and sustainability in practice.

Publication: April 2025

Table of contents

Ch 1: Introduction to customer service; Ch 2: The financial and behavioural consequences of customer service; Ch 3: Understanding the consumer; Ch 4: Developing and maintaining a service culture; Ch 5: Managing service encounters; Ch 6: The importance of market research; Ch 7: Building and maintaining customer relationships; Ch 8: Providing customer service through the servicescape; Ch 9: The impact of AI and technology on customer service; Ch 10: The importance of service recovery; Ch 12: Customer service and sustainability; Ch 12: Promoting customer service internally and externally; Index

Table of contents

Ch 1: Introduction to customer service; Ch 2: The financial and behavioural consequences of customer service; Ch 3: Understanding the consumer; Ch 4: Developing and maintaining a service culture; Ch 5: Managing service encounters; Ch 6: The importance of market research; Ch 7: Building and maintaining customer relationships; Ch 8: Providing customer service through the servicescape; Ch 9: The impact of AI and technology on customer service; Ch 10: The importance of service recovery; Ch 12: Customer service and sustainability; Ch 12: Promoting customer service internally and externally; Index

About the authors

Dr. Simon Hudson is an Endowed Chair in Tourism at the University of South Carolina, USA.
Louise Hudson is a freelance journalist living in South Carolina, USA (www.tourismgurus.com).

Table of contents

Ch 1: Introduction to customer service; Ch 2: The financial and behavioural consequences of customer service; Ch 3: Understanding the consumer; Ch 4: Developing and maintaining a service culture; Ch 5: Managing service encounters; Ch 6: The importance of market research; Ch 7: Building and maintaining customer relationships; Ch 8: Providing customer service through the servicescape; Ch 9: The impact of AI and technology on customer service; Ch 10: The importance of service recovery; Ch 12: Customer service and sustainability; Ch 12: Promoting customer service internally and externally; Index

About the authors

Dr. Simon Hudson is an Endowed Chair in Tourism at the University of South Carolina, USA.
Louise Hudson is a freelance journalist living in South Carolina, USA (www.tourismgurus.com).

Online Resources

Teaching PowerPoints to accompany each chapter

Ch 1 Introduction to Customer Service

Ch 2 The Financial and Behavioral Impacts of Customer Service

Ch 3 Understanding the Consumer

Ch 4 Developing and Maintaining a Service Culture

Ch 5 Managing Service Encounters

Ch 6 The Importance of Market Research

Ch 7 Building and Maintaining Customer Relationships

Ch 8 Providing Customer Service through the Servicescape

Ch 9 The Impact of Technology on Customer Service

Ch 10 The Importance of Service Recovery

Ch 11 Customer service and sustainability

Ch 12 Promoting Customer Service Internally and Externally

Multiple choice test questions for each chapter
Chapter 1 test questions

Chapter 2 test questions

Chapter 3 test questions

Chapter 4 test questions

Chapter 5 test questions

Chapter 6 test questions

Chapter 7 test questions

Chapter 8 test questions

Chapter 9 test questions

Chapter 10 test questions

Chapter 11 test questions

Chapter 12 test questions

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