Marketing > metaverse
Now available for purchase! Marketing Communications 2nd edition 19292 visitsAn advertising, promotion and brand perspectiveBabak Taheri, Hamid ShakerISBN: Hardback: 9781915097774 Paperback: 9781915097781 eBook: 9781915097989Fully revised and updated, this text acknowledges that the most important task faced by any marketing communications practitioner is to identify and select an optimum promotions mix to help achieve an organisation’s business objectives. |
Forthcoming title Metaverse Marketing and Business Opportunities 50477 visitsBabak Taheri, Suresh Malodia, Endrit KromidhaISBN: 9781915097804 HBK; 9781915097903 eBookA one-stop shop reference point for scholars, students and practitioners and brings state-of-art knowledge on marketing management and related areas (such as digital marketing management) with a new modern perspective within the digital world. |