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About William O'Toole

William O'Toole

International Events Development Specialist
William (Bill) is recognized as a key person in the creation of the event sector around the world. He is a member of the World Board of the International Festivals & Events Association. He originated the Event Management Body of Knowledge (EMBOK) and helped developed it into the Event Management International Competency Standard (EMICS)
Bill continues training event teams and companies in event project and risk management in Dubai, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, France, UK, Bahrain, Australia, Canada, NZ, Malaysia and USA.

Over the last fifteen years he advised Dubai, Uganda, Liberia and Kenya on the development of their event industries. From 2010 to 2015 he trained event managers and advised the UN in Entebbe, Monrovia and Khartoum.

His Event Strategy for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, developed in-country over ten years, is acknowledged as key to creating a new events industry worth over five billion dollars.

Bill authored three international textbooks on Event Management: The latest: Events Feasibility and Development, (Routledge) was released 2011.


  • Developing events strategies
  • Creating event management systems
  • Applying project management and risk management to events
  • Developing curriculum and standards for event management courses and training
  • Leading workshops and staff training sessions in events management
  • Advising event teams, governments and companies on events best practice.

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