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Tourism > Tourism Case Studies

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Contemporary Cases in Heritage : Volume 1 121516 visits

Brian Garrod, Alan Fyall

ISBN: 978-1-908999-54-2 hbk

Examines 9 international cases under the sections of Managing Heritage Sites, World Heritage Sites, and Heritage Tourism. Cases include: A Viking Case Study, Ethnic Enclaves: Singapore’s Little India, Managing Religious Heritage Attractions: The Case of Jerusalem, Edinburgh WHS, Indigenous Tourism and Heritage: A Maori Case Study and more.

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International Cases In Sustainable Travel & Tourism 150574 visits

Pierre Benckendorff, Dagmar Lund-Durlacher

ISBN: 978-1-908999-40-5 pbk; 978-1-908999-39-9 hbk

An international range of outstanding new cases focused on sustainable tourism management and development, including award winners and finalists from the WTTC Tourism for Tourism Awards.

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Contemporary Cases in Tourism 169814 visits

Edited by Brian Garrod, Aberystwyth University and Alan Fyall, University of Central Florida

ISBN: 978-1-906884-53-6

Contemporary Cases in Tourism: Volume 1 presents 11 international case studies, collected under the headings of marketing tourism, sustainable tourism and niche tourism.

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Contemporary Cases Online 165031 visits

An innovative, up to date and stimulating collection of case studies for all your learning, teaching and research needs.

Editors in chief: Dr Alan Fyall and Dr Brian Garrod


Contemporary Cases Online''' provides critical case studies that are original, flexible, challenging, controversial and research-informed, driven by the needs of teaching and learning.

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Global Geotourism Perspectives 127345 visits

Ross Dowling, David Newsome

ISBN: 978-1-906884-17-8

An outstanding collection of international case studies that provide insight into and suggest best practice for issues such as conservation, risk management, education, marketing, interpretation and technology of actual and developing geotourism sites.

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