Marketing > case studies
Forthcoming title Metaverse Marketing and Business Opportunities 38144 visitsBabak Taheri, Suresh Malodia, Endrit KromidhaISBN: 9781915097804 HBK; 9781915097903 eBookA one-stop shop reference point for scholars, students and practitioners and brings state-of-art knowledge on marketing management and related areas (such as digital marketing management) with a new modern perspective within the digital world. |
Now available for purchase! Cases For Event Management and Event Tourism 55255 visitsVassilios Ziakas, Donald GetzISBN: 978-1-915097-34-7 hbk; 978-1-915097-36-1 pbk; 978-1-915097-35-4 eBookA must have collection for all those studying and teaching event management and event tourism. |