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Chapter 8 The Socio cultural Impacts of Tourism

DOI: 10.23912/9781911396437-3631

ISBN: 9781911396437

Published: November 2017

Component type: chapter

Published in: Geography of Tourism

Parent DOI: 10.23912/9781911396437-3402



When discussing the socio-cultural impacts of tourism there is a need to first understand the terms society and culture. The concept of society is studied, in particular, within the subject of sociology. Sociology is largely concerned with the study of society and focuses on people in groups and the interaction of those in groups, their attitudes and their behaviour. Culture is a similar concept to society and is about how people interact as observed through social interaction, social relations and material artefacts. According to Burns and Holden (1995), when discussing culture within the context of tourism, they indicate that it consists of behavioural patterns, knowledge and values which have been acquired and transmitted through generations. Burns and Holden (1995:113) provide more detail when they indicate that “culture .... includes knowledge, belief, art, moral law, custom and any other capabilities and habits of people as members of society’”

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  • Peter Mason, London South Bank University; Ecole Superieure Hotellerie (Author)

For the source title:

  • Peter Mason, London South Bank University; Ecole Superieure Hotellerie (Author)

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Mason, 2017

Mason, P. (2017) "Chapter 8 The Socio cultural Impacts of Tourism" In: Mason, P. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/9781911396437-3631


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Published in Geography of Tourism

Chapter 8 The Socio cultural Impacts of Tourism [Details]Price: USD $7.99*Licences / Downloadable file
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