Contemporary Cases in Sport Volume 1
edited by Alan Fyall and Brian Garrod
ISBN: 978-1-908999-21-4 hbk
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Contemporary Cases in Sport: Volume 1 is the second in the Contemporary Cases Series. This is a series of texts which provides cases of consistent quality, focused specifically on the emerging fields of tourism, heritage, hospitality, leisure, retail, events and sport. The Contemporary Cases Series aims to be dynamic, current and stimulating, delivering cases that are original rather than overworked, flexible rather than formulaic, challenging and controversial rather than prescriptive and conventional.
Contemporary Cases in Sport: Volume 1 examines 12 international cases under the sections of policy and politics, impacts and legacy, and identity and experiences. Cases include: the economics of international sports events, sport and corporate social responsibility, leveraging benefits from sports events, resident impacts of sports events, sport and visitor behaviour and nostalgia and sport, and more. Written by established experts in the field, the volume comprises substantial, in-depth and detailed case studies, written with specific learning objectives in mind. Furthermore, each case is fully referenced in academic style and accompanied by a wealth of supplementary material including discussion questions, further reading and links to websites. Teaching notes, slides, essay questions, exam questions with guide answers, links to further resources are also available from the Contemporary Cases Online website.
All cases within Contemporary Cases in Sport: Volume 1 are available for individual download from the Contemporary Cases Online website or for e-readers (Kindle, Kobo), and can be purchased in a ‘pick-and-mix’ fashion to suit the needs of the reader. The online cases are packed with hyperlinks to original sources, further readings and websites. Readers can follow these links to obtain further information about the specific concepts, terms, issues and organisations identified in each case.
Features of this book and those in the series include:
- Topical currency: a series of up-to-date, topical case studies in the allied fields of tourism, heritage, hospitality, leisure, retail, events and sport;
- Rich, in-depth treatment of material: extensive case studies with copious illustrative material to draw students in to the cases;
- Additional student material: discussion questions, further reading, links to websites;
- Tutor resources: teaching notes, slides, essay questions, exam questions with guide answers, links to further resources;
- Online purchase: individual cases chapters will be available for purchase individually or in volume packages.
Also in this series – Contemporary Cases in Tourism Volume 1.
Publication and Prices
Pub Date: March 2013
Hardback: £75, Euro 98, US$ 120
Downloadable individual cases and tutor notes can be found on the Contemporary Cases Online website.
Table of contents
1: Introduction (Alan Fyall and Brian Garrod)Ultra-marathons and Tourism Development: The Canadian Death Race in Grande Cache, Alberta (Tom Hinch)
More than a Game: Corporate Social Responsibility in Professional Football (Tim Breitbarth)
The Economics, Economic Impacts and Wider Legacies of Sports Mega-Events: The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games (Xi Wang and ShiNa Li)
Resident Impacts of Sport Events (Leo Jago, Margaret Deery and Liz Fredline)
Cultural Programmes for Sporting Mega-Events: London 2012 – A Case Study (Nancy Stevenson)
Active Sports Tourism: Active Sports Tourists in the 2011 MBNA Chester Marathon (Amanda Miller)
Sporting Identities in Youth: Examining Mountain Biking Lifestyles (Katherine King)
Nostalgia and Sport (Sean Gammon and Gregory Ramshaw)
Personal Mobility and Professional Movements: Monitoring the Motives of Modern Sports Migrants (Richard Keith Wright)
Table of contents
1: Introduction (Alan Fyall and Brian Garrod)Ultra-marathons and Tourism Development: The Canadian Death Race in Grande Cache, Alberta (Tom Hinch)
More than a Game: Corporate Social Responsibility in Professional Football (Tim Breitbarth)
The Economics, Economic Impacts and Wider Legacies of Sports Mega-Events: The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games (Xi Wang and ShiNa Li)
Resident Impacts of Sport Events (Leo Jago, Margaret Deery and Liz Fredline)
Cultural Programmes for Sporting Mega-Events: London 2012 – A Case Study (Nancy Stevenson)
Active Sports Tourism: Active Sports Tourists in the 2011 MBNA Chester Marathon (Amanda Miller)
Sporting Identities in Youth: Examining Mountain Biking Lifestyles (Katherine King)
Nostalgia and Sport (Sean Gammon and Gregory Ramshaw)
Personal Mobility and Professional Movements: Monitoring the Motives of Modern Sports Migrants (Richard Keith Wright)
About the editors
Dr Brian Garrod is Reader in Tourism Management at Aberystwyth University.
Professor Alan Fyall is Orange County Endowed Professor of Tourism Marketing and Graduate Programs Director at theRosen College of Hospitality Management, University of Central Florida, USA.