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Sustainability Case Studies

Now available for purchase!

An Introduction to Sustainable Tourism 2nd edition 74419 visits

Alexandra Coghlan

ISBN: 978-1-915097-30-9 hbk; 978-1-915097-31-6 pbk; 978-1-915097-32-3 eBook

Fully revised and updated for a second edition Introduction to Sustainable Tourism provides a comprehensive, pragmatic, and realistic look at integrating sustainability into tourism. It now includes two new chapters on regenerative tourism and disruptors including the impact of COVID-19 as well as new material on systems thinking, influencing behaviours and green marketing.

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Sustainable and Collaborative Tourism in a Digital World 52017 visits

Alain Decrop, Antonia Correia, Alan Fyall, Metin Kozak

ISBN: 9781911635765 HBK; 9781911635772 PBK; 9781911635789 eBook

Presents theories, methods and results for enhancing techniques for more sustainable marketing and explores how sharing practices in business raises new social challenges and the ethical questions that arise as a consequence.

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Responsible Tourism 2nd edition 113637 visits

Using tourism for sustainable development

Harold Goodwin

ISBN: 978-1-910158-84-5 hbk; 978-1-910158-85-2 pbk; 978-1-910158-86-9 eBook

Responsible Tourism is about the globally vital necessity of realising sustainable tourism. It is a hugely important challenge to those who organise and sell travel and tourism, and those who consume it.

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