International Cases In Sustainable Travel & Tourism
Pierre Benckendorff, Dagmar Lund-Durlacher
ISBN: 978-1-908999-40-5 pbk; 978-1-908999-39-9 hbk
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“An excellent synopsis of sustainable practices within the tourism industry in a variety of international settings... I thoroughly enjoyed this text and consider it a valuable addition to my teaching repertoire. “ Kelly Virginia Phelan, Texas Tech University, USA. Tourism Management 50 (2015) 253e254
Case studies are an indispensable learning tool, not only in the classroom but also in academic research, consultancy and practical business management contexts. Case studies present real situations, allowing a balance of theory and practice. They have the power to transform the learning the abstract and uninspiring to one that is targeted and vibrant.
International Cases in Sustainable Travel & Tourism provides an international range of outstanding new cases focused on sustainable tourism management and development, including award winners and finalists from the WTTC Tourism for Tourism Awards. They are written by local scholars who are experts in sustainable tourism. They all have a range of features ensuring their quality and applicability:
The book and the individual cases will be an essential teaching and learning resource for both undergraduate and graduate students in Tourism. It will also be of interest to academic researchers and planners, managers and developers of tourist destinations. It will be ideal for the increasing number of sustainability subjects in tourism degrees worldwide.
Pub Date: May 2013
Hardback: £75, Euro 98, US$ 120
Paperback: £29.99, Euro 36, US$ 48
E-Chapter: £4.99, Euro 5.99, US$ 7.99 each
This book will be available from the publication date indicated above. If you would like to register your interest in buying the book at a 15% discount on publication please leave YOUR NAME, YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS and the BOOK TITLE at tim.goodfellow@goodfellowpublishers.com . We will notify you with the relevant details as soon as it is available.
Case studies are an indispensable learning tool, not only in the classroom but also in academic research, consultancy and practical business management contexts. Case studies present real situations, allowing a balance of theory and practice. They have the power to transform the learning the abstract and uninspiring to one that is targeted and vibrant.
International Cases in Sustainable Travel & Tourism provides an international range of outstanding new cases focused on sustainable tourism management and development, including award winners and finalists from the WTTC Tourism for Tourism Awards. They are written by local scholars who are experts in sustainable tourism. They all have a range of features ensuring their quality and applicability:
- Based on a joint initiative of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) and the BEST Education Network (BEST EN), organisations that are at the the forefront of both sustainable tourism practice and teaching
- Each case is rigorously and carefully structured for maximum teaching and learning impact- this includes a clear synopsis, appropriate theoretical frameworks, and a clear summary and future outlook;
- Every case is fully supported by features to increase deep understanding of the principles and practice it contains- clear learning outcomes, full references and directed reading and challenging study questions;
- In addition to each case the authors provide educators and trainers with detailed background teaching notes, indicative answers, a recommended teaching approach and teaching slides in PowerPoint;
- All the cases are also available online for individual purchase at www.goodfellowpublishers.com and for library and site purchase through all major online suppliers.
The book and the individual cases will be an essential teaching and learning resource for both undergraduate and graduate students in Tourism. It will also be of interest to academic researchers and planners, managers and developers of tourist destinations. It will be ideal for the increasing number of sustainability subjects in tourism degrees worldwide.
Pub Date: May 2013
Hardback: £75, Euro 98, US$ 120
Paperback: £29.99, Euro 36, US$ 48
E-Chapter: £4.99, Euro 5.99, US$ 7.99 each
This book will be available from the publication date indicated above. If you would like to register your interest in buying the book at a 15% discount on publication please leave YOUR NAME, YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS and the BOOK TITLE at tim.goodfellow@goodfellowpublishers.com . We will notify you with the relevant details as soon as it is available.
Table of contents
Contents, copyright, about the contributorsIntroduction
Part 1: Destination Stewardship
Alpine Pearls: A Network Promoting Environmentally Friendly Holidays (Lund-Durlacher, Hergesell, Mentil)
Planning for Sustainability: The Okavango Delta Management Plan (Manwa)
Montenegro: Wild Beauty (Baumgartne)
Tourism and the Great Barrier Reef: Healthy Reef, Healthy Industry (Briggs, Moscardo, Murphy, Gooch, King)
Part 2: Global Tourism Business: Leading the Way
Accor Standing for Children’s Rights in Tourism (Tepelus)
Banyan Tree: Embracing the Environment, Empowering People (MacLaurin, Chiam Kah Min)
Corporate Social Responsibility and the Sustainable Tourism Practices of Marriott International (Deale)
Part 3: Conservation & Community Benefit
Zakynthos: Supply Chain Management and Customers’ Involvement in Tourism Sustainability (Sigala)
Back to the Roots: Agritourism in India (Häusler, Kasüske)
Namibia’s Communal Conservancy Tourism Sector (Ndlovu)
Whale Watch Kaikoura (Wearing, Cunningham)
Table of contents
Contents, copyright, about the contributorsIntroduction
Part 1: Destination Stewardship
Alpine Pearls: A Network Promoting Environmentally Friendly Holidays (Lund-Durlacher, Hergesell, Mentil)
Planning for Sustainability: The Okavango Delta Management Plan (Manwa)
Montenegro: Wild Beauty (Baumgartne)
Tourism and the Great Barrier Reef: Healthy Reef, Healthy Industry (Briggs, Moscardo, Murphy, Gooch, King)
Part 2: Global Tourism Business: Leading the Way
Accor Standing for Children’s Rights in Tourism (Tepelus)
Banyan Tree: Embracing the Environment, Empowering People (MacLaurin, Chiam Kah Min)
Corporate Social Responsibility and the Sustainable Tourism Practices of Marriott International (Deale)
Part 3: Conservation & Community Benefit
Zakynthos: Supply Chain Management and Customers’ Involvement in Tourism Sustainability (Sigala)
Back to the Roots: Agritourism in India (Häusler, Kasüske)
Namibia’s Communal Conservancy Tourism Sector (Ndlovu)
Whale Watch Kaikoura (Wearing, Cunningham)
About the authors
The EditorsDr Pierre Benckendorff,Senior Lecturer, School of Tourism, The University of Queensland.
Dr Dagmar Lund-Durlacher, Department Head, Dean, Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management , MODUL University, Vienna.
Table of contents
Contents, copyright, about the contributorsIntroduction
Part 1: Destination Stewardship
Alpine Pearls: A Network Promoting Environmentally Friendly Holidays (Lund-Durlacher, Hergesell, Mentil)
Planning for Sustainability: The Okavango Delta Management Plan (Manwa)
Montenegro: Wild Beauty (Baumgartne)
Tourism and the Great Barrier Reef: Healthy Reef, Healthy Industry (Briggs, Moscardo, Murphy, Gooch, King)
Part 2: Global Tourism Business: Leading the Way
Accor Standing for Children’s Rights in Tourism (Tepelus)
Banyan Tree: Embracing the Environment, Empowering People (MacLaurin, Chiam Kah Min)
Corporate Social Responsibility and the Sustainable Tourism Practices of Marriott International (Deale)
Part 3: Conservation & Community Benefit
Zakynthos: Supply Chain Management and Customers’ Involvement in Tourism Sustainability (Sigala)
Back to the Roots: Agritourism in India (Häusler, Kasüske)
Namibia’s Communal Conservancy Tourism Sector (Ndlovu)
Whale Watch Kaikoura (Wearing, Cunningham)
About the authors
The EditorsDr Pierre Benckendorff,Senior Lecturer, School of Tourism, The University of Queensland.
Dr Dagmar Lund-Durlacher, Department Head, Dean, Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management , MODUL University, Vienna.
Instructor Resources
Instructor Resources (PDF)
Chapter 2 Alpine Pearls (Powerpoint)
Chapter 3 Okavango Delta (Powerpoint)
Chapter 4 Montenegro (Powerpoint)
Chapter 5 Great Barrier Reef (Powerpoint)
Chapter 6 Accor (Powerpoint)
Chapter 7 Banyan Tree (Powerpoint)
Chapter 8 Marriott (Powerpoint)
Chapter 9 Ionian Ecovillagers (Powerpoint)
Chapter 10 Agritourism (Powerpoint)
Chapter 11 Namibia (Powerpoint)
Chapter 12 Kaikoura (Powerpoint)