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Reputation and Image Recovery for the Tourism Industry 130690 visits

Gabby Walters, Judith Mair

ISBN: 9781911396673 HBK; 9781911396680 PBK; 9781911396697 eBook

Via real life cases studies it contextualises the relevant theories on tourism, marketing and communication, and unpacks examples of best practice to illustrate how carefully managed response strategies can ensure the future survival of an organisation.

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Sustainable Value Creation in Hospitality 138149 visits

Guests on Earth

Elena Cavagnaro

ISBN: 9781911396376 HBK; 9781911396383 PBK; 9781911396390 eBook

Based on theory and practice it takes the student through the key issues focusing on the hospitality industry, particularly the hotel sector. It analyses environmental, economic and social value in the industry, and what can be done to maximise the good for all the stakeholders in the long term.

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Peer-to-Peer Accommodation Networks 163777 visits

Pushing the boundaries

Sara Dolnicar

ISBN: 9781911396512 HBK; 9781911396529 PBK; 9781911396536 Open Access eBook

The first book to present a new conceptual framework which offers an initial explanation for the continuing and rapid success of such 'disruptive innovators’ and their effects on the international hospitality industry

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The Story of Hilton Hotels 113867 visits

'Little Americas'

Barbara Czyzewska

ISBN: 9781911396949 HBK; 9781911396956 PBK; 9781911396963 eBook

An informative historical analysis of the development of the company, as well an engaging narrative about Conrad Hilton himself. It analyses some of the key shifts in the area of hotel management including standardisation, asset-light models and delivering the customer experience.

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How to Buy and Manage Your Own Hotel 122533 visits

4th edition

Miles Quest, Peter Nannestad

ISBN: 978-1-910158-21-0 hbk; 978-1-910158-22-7 pbk; 978-1-910158-23-4 eBook

A clear toolkit and action plan for those looking to make the leap to buying their own hotel, from getting the initial finances in place, to successful marketing techniques and staffing issues

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Club Management 108752 visits

The management of private membership clubs

Clayton Barrows, Michael Robinson

ISBN: 9781911635062 HBK; 9781911635079 PBK; 9781911635086 eBook

The first text to provide comprehensive coverage of three major types of clubs: country clubs, city clubs and yacht clubs, and others (e.g. racquet clubs, university clubs), and to explain the similarities and differences in their management and marketing.

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Service Management Principles for Hospitality and Tourism 72044 visits

Jay Kandampully, David Solnet

ISBN: 9781911635161 PBK; 9781911635178 eBook

Guides managers to a new perspective that sees hospitality and tourism as essential service businesses requiring a holistic cross-functional approach to meeting customers’ needs within the context of personal relationships and experience.

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Talent Management in Hospitality and Tourism 102645 visits

Susan Horner

ISBN: 978-1-910158-66-1 HBK; 978-1-910158-67-8 PBK; 978-1-910158-68-5 eBook

Recruiting and retaining happy and well trained staff is key to the success of all customer-facing businesses. This book is the first to explore on this important topic from an individual and personal perspective.

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International Spa Management 112919 visits

Principles and practice

Sarah Rawlinson, Tim Heap

ISBN: 978-1-910158-69-2 HBK; 978-1-910158-70-8 PBK; 978-1-910158-71-5 eBook

A sound and thorough guide for all future spa managers looking at all aspects on the successful running of a spa facility.

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Youth Employment in Tourism and Hospitality 119256 visits

A critical review

Andreas Walmsley

ISBN: 978-1-910158-36-4 hbk; 978-1-910158-37-1 pbk

The first comprehensive overview of key concepts, theories and knowledge relating to youth employment in the Tourism and Hospitality sectors.

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