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Chapter 11 Running a Global Organization

DOI: 10.23912/978-1-910158-47-0-2799

ISBN: 978-1-910158-47-0

Published: September 2015

Component type: chapter

Published in: Introducing Management in a Global Context

Parent DOI: 10.23912/978-1-910158-47-0-2734



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MacIntosh, Krebs & Jones, 2015

MacIntosh, R., Krebs, K. & Jones, J. (2015) "Chapter 11 Running a Global Organization" In: MacIntosh, R. & O'Gorman, K.D. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/978-1-910158-47-0-2799


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Published in Introducing Management in a Global Context

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