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Chapter 6 Beverage provision

DOI: 10.23912/9781911635109-4131

ISBN: 9781911635109

Published: May 2019

Component type: chapter

Published in: Food and Beverage Management 5e

Parent DOI: 10.23912/9781911635109-4094



There is increasing concern about higher levels of alcohol consumption and the health risks associated with it. Various initiatives are being tried such as improving information on labels, alcohol exclusion areas at certain times, restrictions on price promotions and also on licensing. Those who sell and serve alcoholic beverages, as well as being the subject of various licensing arrangements (see Chapter 1, page 28) are also being giving far greater encouragement to become more responsible.
The majority of the population drink alcohol for many reasons: to quench a thirst, as a relaxant or simply because it is enjoyable. A small amount of alcohol does no harm and can even be beneficial. However, the more you drink and the more frequently you drink, the greater the health risks.
Alcohol depresses the brain and nerve function, affecting a person’s judgement, self-control and skills. The four general stages of becoming drunk are:
Stage 1: Happy (relaxed, talkative and sociable).
Stage 2: Excited (erratic and emotional; movement and thinking affected).
Stage 3: Confused (disorientated, loud, out of control).
Stage 4: Lethargic (unable to stand, talk or walk).
It is important that members of the service staff are aware of these stages so that potential problems can be identified and handled properly before they become more serious. This can include refusing to serve more alcohol to intoxicated persons, which is either required under the law or may be undertaken as a safety precaution – such as with people on aircraft.

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  • John Cousins, The Food and Beverage Training Company, London (Author)
  • David Foskett, David Foskett Associates, London (Author)
  • David Graham, Service Sector Management, Sheffield Hallam University (Author)
  • Amy Hollier, College of Food, University College Birmingham (Author)

For the source title:

  • John Cousins, The Food and Beverage Training Company, London (Author)
  • David Foskett, David Foskett Associates, London (Author)
  • David Graham, Service Sector Management, Sheffield Hallam University (Author)
  • Amy Hollier, College of Food, University College Birmingham (Author)

Cite as

Cousins, Foskett, Graham & Hollier, 2019

Cousins, J., Foskett, D., Graham, D. & Hollier, A. (2019) "Chapter 6 Beverage provision" In: Cousins, J., Foskett, D., Graham, D. & Hollier, A. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/9781911635109-4131


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Published in Food and Beverage Management 5e

Chapter 6 Beverage provision [Details]Price: €6.99*Licences / Downloadable file
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