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The Next Big Thing!

This is a survey of authors and experts we are conducting here at Goodfellow Publishers to investigate what the new and upcoming topics are in your area of teaching and research.

Our aim is to clarify and provide insights into key new areas and offer analysis and conclusions that will be useful to all involved in the fields of tourism, hospitality and events. It will also help us find out what topics we should be looking to publish in the short-term future so that we can continue to serve the needs of our readers and authors and keep them and us abreast of all the hottest topics.

We would therefore really appreciate it if you could spare the time to answer the short questions below please. All responses will be kept anonymous.

We will be publishing the combined, anonymised results of the survey via our Facebook page. I’m also happy to email you directly with the results (if you would like that do let me know).

There are only 4 short questions, and answers can be kept concise as bullet points if you prefer. Please download the questionnaire HERE and send your responses to Sally North, Editorial Director at sally.north@goodfellowpublishers.com

Thank you in advance for your time and input here - it is very much appreciated. We look forward to reading your responses.

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