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event case studies

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The Dark Side of Events 31497 visits

Navigating Corruption and Risk Management

William O'Toole

ISBN: 9781915097415 HBK; 9781915097996 PBK; 9781915097422 eBook

The events industry is a multi-million dollar fast-moving industry, ergo it is a key target for corruption. With multiple revenue sources, complex logistics, a strict deadline and the need for quick decision making, it is vital the organisers are fully aware of all ways and means events can leave themselves vulnerable.

Forthcoming title

Coaching and Mentoring in Tourism, Hospitality and Events 74908 visits

Diana Clayton, Judie M Gannon, Anna Klenert

ISBN: 9781915097743 HBK; 9781915097729 PBK; 9781915097750 eBook

A comprehensive exploration of mentoring and coaching and its’ application within the THE industries.

Forthcoming title

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Tourism, Hospitality and Events 498 visits

Revolutionising Experiences

Roya Rahimi, Nikolaos Stylos, Eva M. Navarro-López, Prashant Pillai

ISBN: 9781915097859 HBK; 9781915097842 PBK; 9781911635529 eBook

Provides in-depth insights, practical examples and best practices in the fields of tourism, hospitality and events. It goes beyond theoretical concepts and to explore the real-world implementation of AI technologies, highlighting their potential impact and benefits within the industry.

Now available for purchase!

Cases For Event Management and Event Tourism 82231 visits

Vassilios Ziakas, Donald Getz

ISBN: 978-1-915097-34-7 hbk; 978-1-915097-36-1 pbk; 978-1-915097-35-4 eBook

A must have collection for all those studying and teaching event management and event tourism.

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