Marketing > Business
Forthcoming title Metaverse Marketing and Business Opportunities 55747 visitsBabak Taheri, Suresh Malodia, Endrit KromidhaISBN: 9781915097804 HBK; 9781915097903 eBookA one-stop shop reference point for scholars, students and practitioners and brings state-of-art knowledge on marketing management and related areas (such as digital marketing management) with a new modern perspective within the digital world. |
Now available for purchase! Principles of Ecology and Management 140470 visitsInternational Challenges for Future PractitionersAlan SitkinISBN: 978-1-906884-43-7 hbk; 978-1-906884-23-9 pbkAn environmental business book written by a business school professor for business school students. |
Now available for purchase! The Busy Manager's Guide to Marketing 88049 visitsBill DonaldsonISBN: 978-1-906884-06-2'''The Busy Manager’s Guide to Marketing''' is a readable, accessible and easy-to-follow book for practising managers with limited time and big ambitions. |
Now available for purchase! Conducting Research with Children and Adolescents 83657 visitsDesign, Methods and Empirical CasesJulie TinsonISBN: 978-1-906884-02-4This book is designed as a definitive guide to the sensitive and significant area of researching with children. It is based on the key academic concepts in the field and summarises the seminal papers and salient ethics, access and engagement issues. |