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Hospitality > Hospitality Case Studies

Forthcoming title

Unpacking Hospitality Work Realities 26606 visits

Insights and Advocacy from the Global Hospitality Research Alliance

Deirdre Curran, Anastasios Hadjisolomou

ISBN: 9781917433204 HBK; 9781917433211 eBOOK

This volume provides evidence-based insights and discussions on today’s workplace realities in the hospitality industry. It uses comparative perspectives and insights from international case studies to illustrate what is wrong, what needs to change, and how change can best be implemented to ensure fair work in hospitality.

Forthcoming title

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Tourism, Hospitality and Events 2082 visits

Revolutionising Experiences

Roya Rahimi, Nikolaos Stylos, Eva M. Navarro-López, Prashant Pillai

ISBN: 9781915097859 HBK; 9781915097842 PBK; 9781911635529 eBook

Provides in-depth insights, practical examples and best practices in the fields of tourism, hospitality and events. It goes beyond theoretical concepts and to explore the real-world implementation of AI technologies, highlighting their potential impact and benefits within the industry.

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How to Buy and Manage Your Own Hotel 127369 visits

4th edition

Miles Quest, Peter Nannestad

ISBN: 978-1-910158-21-0 hbk; 978-1-910158-22-7 pbk; 978-1-910158-23-4 eBook

A clear toolkit and action plan for those looking to make the leap to buying their own hotel, from getting the initial finances in place, to successful marketing techniques and staffing issues

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Entrepreneurship in Hospitality and Tourism 126025 visits

A Global Perspective

Maureen Brookes, Levent Altinay

ISBN: 978-1-910158-27-2 hbk; 978-1-910158-28-9 pbk

A new and definitive overview of the vital role and effective practice of entrepreneurship in one of the most dynamic industry sectors in the world.

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Leadership and Entrepreneurship in the Hospitality Industry 143223 visits

Chris Sheppardson with Heather Gibson

Chris Sheppardson Chess Partnership

ISBN: 978-1-906884-48-2 hbk; 978-1-906884-49-9 pbk

Many aspire to be leaders and entrepreneurs where they can set the tone of business. This is particularly true in the hospitality industry where entrepreneurship is a dominant force, yet few people understand what it demands to be a leader in the sector

Now available for purchase!

Contemporary Cases Online 188935 visits

An innovative, up to date and stimulating collection of case studies for all your learning, teaching and research needs.

Editors in chief: Dr Alan Fyall and Dr Brian Garrod


Contemporary Cases Online''' provides critical case studies that are original, flexible, challenging, controversial and research-informed, driven by the needs of teaching and learning.

Forthcoming title

Customer Service for Hospitality and Tourism 4th edition 1350 visits

Simon Hudson, Louise Hudson

ISBN: HBK: 9781917433112; PBK:9781917433105; EBOOK: 9781917433129

The fourth edition of this book – like those before - is easy to read, very current, and full of references to all the latest research. It contains brand new material on issues surrounding sustainability and AI in the context of customer services.

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