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International Tourism Futures 2nd edition 20484 visits

The Drivers and Impacts of Change

Clare Lade, Paul Strickland, Elspeth Frew, Paul Willard, Sandra Cherro Osorio, Astrid Nørfelt

ISBN: 9781915097941 PBK; 9781915097958 HBK; 9781915097965 eBook

Examines influential factors such as the demographic, political, economic and technological changes, which will affect the nature, trends and participation in tourism, hospitality and events

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Emerging Trends in Consumer Behaviour in the Service Sector 116106 visits

Saloomeh Tabari, Nazan Colmekcioglu, Wei Chen

ISBN: Hardback: 9781915097620; Paperback: 9781915097637; eBook: 9781915097644; DOI: 10.23912/9781915097644-5756

A fresh and comprehensive perspective on current and innovative topics related to consumer preferences, attitudes, perceptions and reactions in service industries. It delves into the impact of contemporary trends and emerging technology, by providing a holistic view on the future of the trends and behaviour within the service sector.

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Understanding Tourism 2nd edition 121279 visits

Concepts and Theories

Bob McKercher, Bruce Prideaux

ISBN: 978-1-915097-66-8 hbk; 978-1-915097-67-5 pbk; 978-1-915097-68-2 eBook

Understanding Tourism: Concepts and Theories is a follow-on text to the successful text Tourism Theories: Concepts and Models. Now aimed at a more undergraduate audience, it has been fully revised and updated to reflect current thinking and include new case studies and material on: International tourism and the political economy of tourism The quest for sustainability and the net zero imperative How tourists consume a destination Crisis and resilience in a COVID-adapted world It is a comprehensive and cohesive text that develops a series of key ideas that deepens understanding and encourages critical thinking.

Forthcoming title

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Tourism, Hospitality and Events 1480 visits

Revolutionising Experiences

Roya Rahimi, Nikolaos Stylos, Eva M. Navarro-López, Prashant Pillai

ISBN: 9781915097859 HBK; 9781915097842 PBK; 9781911635529 eBook

Provides in-depth insights, practical examples and best practices in the fields of tourism, hospitality and events. It goes beyond theoretical concepts and to explore the real-world implementation of AI technologies, highlighting their potential impact and benefits within the industry.

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Contemporary Tourism Fifth edition 90153 visits

an international approach

Chris Cooper, Michael Hall

ISBN: 978-1-915097-16-3 HBK; 978-1-915097-17-0 PBK; 978-1-915097-18-7 eBook

A new and refreshing approach to the study of tourism, looking at the far reaching effects that the COVID pandemic has had on the industry and how it has been forced to change, or not, subsequently.

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COVID-19 and Travel 101412 visits

Impacts, responses and outcomes

Simon Hudson

ISBN: 9781911635703 HBK; 9781911635710 PBK; 9781911635727 eBook

Examines how this crisis unfolded and its devasting impacts on the travel, tourism and hospitality industries. Packed with international case studies, it takes the reader from the very outset of the crisis, how the industry reacted and its message to the market, through to its impacts and a possible future.

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Tourism Dynamics 79437 visits

New perspectives and changing directions

Nikolaos Pappas, Anna Farmaki

ISBN: 9781911635932 HBK; 9781911635949 eBook

An edited collection of theoretical and practical insights with a multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary approach that offer a platform for critical discussion and examine emergent controversies within the tourism industry including the growth of alternative business models.

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Tracking Tourists 78064 visits

Movement and mobility

Anne Hardy

ISBN: 9781911635383 HBK; 9781911635390 PBK; 9781911635406 eBook

The first text to address tourist movement in from a methodological angle in the post-digital era.

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The Meaning of Luxury in Tourism, Hospitality and Events 128307 visits

John Swarbrooke

ISBN: 9781911396062 HBK; 9781911396079 PBK; 9781911396086 eBook

Examines the concept of luxury and its meaning across tourism, events and hospitality globally

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Indigenous Tourism 64118 visits

Cases from Australia and New Zealand

Michelle Whitford, Lisa Ruhanen, Anna Carr

ISBN: 9781911396406 HBK; 9781911635284 PBK; 9781911396413 eBook

A collection of unique case studies focusing on issues pertaining to Indigenous tourism planning and development in arguably two of the world’s leading Indigenous tourism destinations.

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