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Chapter 10 Cultural Entrepreneurship

DOI: 10.23912/978-1-906884-20-8-1445

ISBN: 978-1-906884-20-8

Published: April 2011

Component type: chapter

Published in: Key Issues in the Arts and Entertainment Industry

Parent DOI: 10.23912/978-1-906884-20-8-1361



We are all entrepreneurs ... to some extent. As humans, we are gifted with imagination andthe ability to think creatively, and we are sometimes inclined to take risks by making choices that have uncertain future outcomes and implications. Zaharudin (2006) likens entrepreneurs to adventurers, in the sense that they often embark upon journeys into the unknown. Like adventurers, entrepreneurs need to be prepared for their journeys so as not to come to any harm along the way. By researching the journey ahead, and taking into account risks along the way, entrepreneurs are more likely to succeed upon their chosen path. We are often inclined to consider entrepreneurs as ‘business people’ and the reward for entrepreneurial activities as financial gain. There is an ongoing debate as to what the true meaning of entrepreneur actually is — between those who focus exclusively on the economic function of entrepreneurship and those who consider it the personal behaviours of the individuals who undertake the economic activity (Willax, 2003). In Ford’s (1998) article examining entrepreneurial stereotypes, hestates: ‘I searched the dictionary, which defines an entrepreneur as “one who organizes, manages and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise”. While this definition describes the entrepreneurial function, it somehow misses the attitude and philosophy of the matter’.

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  • Stuart Moss (Author)

For the source title:

  • Ben Walmsley, University of Leeds (Editor)

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Moss, 2011

Moss, S. (2011) "Chapter 10 Cultural Entrepreneurship" In: Walmsley, B. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/978-1-906884-20-8-1445


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Published in Key Issues in the Arts and Entertainment Industry

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